Thursday 24 June 2010


Global Warming: an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes).

Climate change: any long-term significant change in the weather patterns of an area. Climate change is occurring right now, and it is not good at all!

Poaching: the illegal practice of trespassing on another persons property to hunt or steal game without the landowner's permission. Many poachers are killing animals such as tigers to trade and sell for money.

Extinct: no longer in existence; that has ended or died out: an extinct species of fish.  The Tasmanian Tiger is extinct. This is because we didn't realize they were in danger until the very end when it was too late.

Endangered: 1.threatened with a danger: endangered lives of trapped coal miners. 2.threatened with extinction. There are alot of endangered Australian animals that are in danger of becoming extinct.

Pollution: the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment: air pollution. By turning on heaters, air conditioners, televisions, washing machines and more, we are polluting the air. The other form of pollution is on land and at sea. We are throwing out  are rubbish an it is all thrown into the ocean, for the animals to deal with.

Chemicals: a substance produced by or used in a chemical process. There can be good and bad chemicals. The bad ones are called toxic chemicals. These chemicals can destroy lives of any living creatures. Through driving, we are releasing chemicals that can be toxic and cause global warming.  


To the editor of The Age,
   I read your article on the cassowary bird, and I think it is great for you to put it on your newspaper. I feel it is good for us to put these kinds of things in the newspaper. Besides the usual stuff, we also need to learn about the environment. The cassowary bird is a beautiful bird and we really need to look after it. The fact that you've put it in this newspaper is really good!
   There are only 1000 cassowary birds left, and it isn't enough. Before we know it, they'll be extinct. We cannot let these birds go like we have in the past. I hope you can put many more articles like this into your newspaper in the future.

Wednesday 23 June 2010


This oil spill was worse than the great barrier reef spill. It affected the whole of America... it's becoming a problem.

On the gulf of Mexico, an oil spill occurred. It was huge. President Obama is worried about it. The  people who spilled this oil better be ashamed and embarrassed. Imagine all the sea life that has been destroyed. Why does this keep happening? We aren't careful enough. But we can't just say "sorry". No! we can't say it was a mistake and go on with our lives. We must act fast and make a change.

The spill occurred on  Thursday 30th of April this year. It was a shock. The oil even creeped its way up to the Missisippi and Luisiana River. David Kennedy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told The Associated Press "It is of grave concern, I am frightened. This is a very, very big thing. And the efforts that are going to be required to do anything about it, especially if it continues on, are just mind-boggling."

The fact is that we must be frightened. That it's a very, very big thing. We can't let it happen again. We can't let it slip through our fingers.The Government of America has given billions and billions of dollars to help do something about the spill. To be precise, they've given 20 billion US dollars. That is alot. We cannot let it come our way again.

This oil spill occued on the 30th of April. The spill didn't leak out from a ship, but an oil rig on thr Gulf of Mexico. The oil rig hat was actually collecting the oil burnt and had sunk. It was digging a well that was almost 1 mile deep. The oil rig was only 50 miles away from the Lousiana Coast. It may sound far, but it actualy isnt for an oil rig. Disasters like this could occur any time. Litres and litres of oil just kept on flowing out of the well, polluting the ocean, destroying millions of fish, sea birds and sea creatures. Can you believe 42,000 gallons of oil was leaking out into the beautiful ocean per day?

(The link that I have put has information on the actual oil spill as well as peoples comments below. It is very interesting to see what people think of the oil spill, as well as the actual information!)

Friday 11 June 2010

A Trip to Queen Victoria Market...

  On Friday the 11th of June, Making the News & the Seeds to Saucepan class ent to Queen Victoria Market. We went there o explore the organic sections of the market.
   Along with Rebecca and Ebony, the three of us visited the fruit, vegetable and meat sections of the market. We interviewed a honey, soap and poultry shop keeper, fruit and ve sellr and a meat shop.

Poultry, honey and soaps...
 How do you bring your products to the market?
 It is brought here in containers, by truck.
 What happens to the unsold products?
 I keep it till next week, for the honey and soaps are packaged. Even though the eggs are kept in the fridge, they will get thrown out sooner.
 Where do you get your products from?
 We get the buy the products from all over Victoria. Farms in Ballarat and Bendigo usually.
 Is it all organic?
 Yes, the eggs are free-range, the soaps are home made, and some of the honey is even sold as the actual honey comb.

Fruit and Vegetbles...
 Where do you get your products from?
 We grow all the products ourselves.
 What happens to the unsold products?
 They are thrown out.
 How do you bring your products to the market?
 They are brought here by truck as usual.
 Do you spray pesticides?
 We try not to. It can dmage the next crop if we do.

 What happens to unsold products?
 All of our food gets sold out by the end of the day.
 Is it all organic?
 Pretty much... yes.
 How do you make your shop eco-friendly? 
 There's a program called "Bag the Bag" that will be starting soon. What it is, is reusable bags instead of plastic ones. 
 How is it brought here?
 By truck ofcourse!

We explored other parts of the market too. There were a few shops that actually sold real skins, such as possum! We were amazed at the variety of products they had. The whole market was starting the "Bag the Bag" progam.   

Wednesday 9 June 2010

An Interview with Katherine from Beacon Lighting

On Monday, 7th June, Ebony, Nicole and I went to Beacon Lighting at DFO.
Once there, we interviewed Katherine, a sales person working there. She told us about Envirolux an eco-friendly program she  started there...
Do you sell energy efficient light bulbs?
Yes actually, a wide range too.
How much energy does the shop use per month?
Well, it costs us $1 800 per month. We've also brought it down by 3 and a half thousand dollars since last year!
What do you think of global warming?
They don't like it at all! They make sure light bulbs are recycled, though the gas ones can't be disposed. We are trying to find a way to recycle them though.
What is the highest consuming light bulb in the shop?
The Lowbay metal halide. It uses 400 watts.
What's the lowest?
The lowest is Led Light. It uses .1 watts. It only comes as a down-light though. It lasts for 10 years, good for the customers, not for us! It means we have less customers!
Does working at a lighting store affect the way you use your lights at home?
Before I even started working here, I was eco-friendly. I never had alot of lights on. I also had outdoor sensor lights which helped alot.
Thankyou for your time!
Thank you! 

For all new home owners, make a switch for each of your lights instead of one switch for 4 light bulbs. This way you can use less energy! 

Katherine started the energy saving program at Beacon Lighting along with another work partner. It's called Luxe. 

We learnt alot from Katherine and hope others can learn too!