Friday 11 June 2010

A Trip to Queen Victoria Market...

  On Friday the 11th of June, Making the News & the Seeds to Saucepan class ent to Queen Victoria Market. We went there o explore the organic sections of the market.
   Along with Rebecca and Ebony, the three of us visited the fruit, vegetable and meat sections of the market. We interviewed a honey, soap and poultry shop keeper, fruit and ve sellr and a meat shop.

Poultry, honey and soaps...
 How do you bring your products to the market?
 It is brought here in containers, by truck.
 What happens to the unsold products?
 I keep it till next week, for the honey and soaps are packaged. Even though the eggs are kept in the fridge, they will get thrown out sooner.
 Where do you get your products from?
 We get the buy the products from all over Victoria. Farms in Ballarat and Bendigo usually.
 Is it all organic?
 Yes, the eggs are free-range, the soaps are home made, and some of the honey is even sold as the actual honey comb.

Fruit and Vegetbles...
 Where do you get your products from?
 We grow all the products ourselves.
 What happens to the unsold products?
 They are thrown out.
 How do you bring your products to the market?
 They are brought here by truck as usual.
 Do you spray pesticides?
 We try not to. It can dmage the next crop if we do.

 What happens to unsold products?
 All of our food gets sold out by the end of the day.
 Is it all organic?
 Pretty much... yes.
 How do you make your shop eco-friendly? 
 There's a program called "Bag the Bag" that will be starting soon. What it is, is reusable bags instead of plastic ones. 
 How is it brought here?
 By truck ofcourse!

We explored other parts of the market too. There were a few shops that actually sold real skins, such as possum! We were amazed at the variety of products they had. The whole market was starting the "Bag the Bag" progam.   

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