Saturday 29 May 2010

We are the World...

This song is about fighting for the world and we really have to! Sure it's about war and everything, but if you look at it from another point of view, it could also be about the world dying. We are the world and we need to save it. Plain and simple!

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call

When the world must come together as one.
There are people dying
Ooohhh and it's time to lend a hand
To life, the greatest gift of all.

We can't go on
Pretending day by day
That someone somewhere will soon make a change.
We are all a part of
God's great big family

And the truth
You know
Love is all we need.

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving.

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives.
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me.

Send them your heart
So they know that someone cares

And that life will be stronger and free
As god has shown us by turning stone to bread
And so that we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me.

When you're down and out
And there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we could fall
Well now now now let us realize
Ohhhh that a change can only come
When we stand together as one yeah yeah yeah yeahh

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving.

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives.
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me.

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving.

There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives.
It's true we make a better day
Just you and me

I'll have to say the part that I love the most is the last verse.
Just reading them makes me want to change the world.

Thursday 27 May 2010

An Interview with Shannon in yr 8...

Shannon is in Fiontar and will tell us a bit about what she does and what she thinks of global warming.

What is the subject you are doing in Fiontar this term?
I'm doing Seeds to Saucepan, in Ms Persano's class.
What exactly is it about?
It's about eating organic and Australian grown foods. We learn about that mainly.
So, what have you been doing lately?
Well, today, we went to the Tiny Chef & made fruit platters. They had organic and non-organic fruits. We had to guess which was which by tasting them.
What do you think about global warming?
I think if we don't look after the earth, then it could become very bad for our children, grandchildren and so on. It is something we have to put a stop to.
What do you do to make the planet a better place...?
In my small part, I try to have shorter showers to save water, I use less paper and we don't water the garden alot.
Seems like you are eco-friendly! Well, thankyou for your time.

As you can see, Shannon cares for the environment like many other people. We've also learnt something about what another Fiontar class does! It was a great interview with Shannon.

Deformed Fish!

It is astounding news to hear of the deformed 2 headed fish. It seems a macadamia farmer has been spraying a pesticide near a fish hatchery. The chemicals have gone into the water and deformed fish embryo's.

Gwen Gilson, owner of the Sunland Fish Hatchery said, "I want them to admit that they were doing it and stop it. We want clear air and clean water. That's essential."
As you can see in the picture, the fish have two heads. Because of these chemicals. Just imagine what would happen if we kept on using all these chemicals? It is sad... and not right.Two million sea mullet fry died because of these chemicals.

We need to stop using chemicals like this. That is final! It's not just fish we are talking about. It's any living creature.

Oil Spill on the Great Barrier Reef...

This was shocking news. The beautiful Great Barrier Reef, our Australian jewel was wrecked. The oil spill that occurred was just another example of what we do to the environment.

How did it start? They wanted to take a shortcut, and had run over some reefs. This ripped the bottom of the ship, letting oil leak out. The Chinese carrier, Shen Neng 1 leaked out litres and litres of oil, destroying the homes of 500,000 sea birds and an important turtle nesting colony. How did this happen? Well, the captain and crew decided they wanted to take a short cut. Not on! Just imagine all this oil, flowing into the water, wrecking coral reefs and sea life.

My dad works on a ship that sails along the Great Barrier Reef called the Endeavor River. The pictures he's taken are amazing. Now just imagine in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef is a big blotch of murky brown oil. It's amazing what we humans can do. We can also save the wildlife, which is what the rescue team did.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority chief scientist said that the ship "gouged" a channel of about 3km long and 250m wide in the reef, off Rockhampton. He said it was the worst oil spill he has seen on the Great Barrier Reef.


We have all heard of poaching. It is a cruel, mean, unbelievable thing for humans to do. Yet we don't put a stop to it. Just imagine an innocent mother tiger looking for some food for her cubs. Before you know it, her skin is used for trading, rugs and more! No one wants this to happen do we? Snakes, crocodiles, reptiles are used to make bags, boots and clothes. Moose's heads are used for decoration. Animals insids are pulled out, they are stuffed with cotton, then placed in people's houses. Is this what we were put onto this earth for? When animals tresspass onto human property, they are shot dead. Yet people will tresspass all over their territory and still shoot them if they come too close. 

Hunters and poachers are a nuisance. Any animal lover would say that. They are taking away innocent lives, so they can make money! VERY unfair! Here's an example right infront of our eyes. Whaling. Do those beautiful creatures deserve this? I'm guessing not!

 I actually have a picture from the internet of a hunted tiger. It is disgusting and a bit too disturbing to put on here. So I didn't, but let me tell you, it looks gruesome, sad and makes you feel angry. 

Do we want animals like this... this baby tiger to be put on bags etc? NO! Obviously not.  What about this polar bear? NO, once again. So we have to put a stop to it. Even if it isn't happening in our country. This is OUR world. So we have to do this for the whole world. Not only our countries. We need to become active. Take away the in from inactive. That's what we have to do. 

Meeting Sandra Mack from the MooneyValley Council

After going to Queens park, we went to the MooneyValley Council. There, we met Sandra Mack. Sandra was originally from Germany and has been in the council for about 2 years. She is the head of the Environment Council. Once there, Sandra told us about some of the things that the council do, to make Mooneyponds a healthy atmosphere.

THE POINT SYSTEM-The coincil has just produced a point system, where people living in Mooneyponds earn points through making their gardens an eco-friendly environment. For example, you will earn 2 points for a water tank in you garden, or 3 points for a pond. Once you have a certain amount of points, you recieve a prize. This is a great way to teach people to be eco-friendly.

JUNIOR RANGERS- is a wonderful way to get young kids eco-friendly. The children aged 2-10 can go to Queens park and explore. They recieve little packs containing binoculars, a map, and different species of flaura and funa. This way, they look for these organisms and tick them off once found.

THERMOMETRE- The ouncil has producd a thermometre that you use to make sure the temperature in your hose is right. It tells you whether youshould bring it down or bring it up. This way, people aren't wasting electricity. It can also be used to check hot water temperature. each of us recieved one of these to take home!

We learnt alot from Sandra and have become a bt more aware of how the council helps. We hope to spread our knowledge with everyone else too!!!

An Interview with David Hope, Gardener of Queens Park Victoria

What is the best part of your job?
I don't know where to start! This job is not just a job, but a hobby too. I just love gardening!
How long have you been a gardener?
I've been a gardener for about 5 years and I'm loving it!
Are there any other gardeners?
There are 5 other gardeners and we all have shifts. It's really good!
Personal satisfaction level?
10 out of 10! I love this job! It's stress free, I'm not closed up in an office and I love what I'm doing! 
What are your thoughts on global warming?
I just hate it. It is something that we must try to stop for it's destroying our world. I just hate what's happening.
What did you do before you became a gardener... previous jobs?
Once I finished yr 12, I studied botany. my mum was the one who pushed me. I was an apprentice for some tie until they made me a private gardener. The job was okay, but I wanted to do something where people could appreciate my work. Next thin I know, I'm over here in Queens Park! 
How do you manage the garden?
There are 5 other gardeners who work here, so we all put in our own efforts. Almost everything is recycled hich is really good too. Managing the garden is easy, if you're up to it. I enjoy doing what I have to so it's easy!
What sustainable measures are adopted by the council for Queens Park. e.g. recycling?
The council play a big part in this park. We use water from the lake to water the plants and they make sure everything is working well.
Is Queens Park a healthy environment?
I would say this Park is. We recycle, and care for this habitat to animals and birds. 
Are the animals in a good and healthy state?
The animals re in a good state, and even though they are being fed bread, I don't see any problems. There was actually a problem when we had the drought, for a bacteria formed in the lake and gave the birds a disease that has to do with their nervous systems. We actually had to put a few down.
How do you look after the wildlife?
I've been in a few tussles with teenagers trying to feed the swans beer. Turtles have been stolen too. I try to make sure everything is safe and healthy and make sure the birds aren't being treated badly.
Are there volunteers and what can the do?
There are students who can come here and do a bit of gardening, which is really good.
How did you feel when the council cleared the lake?
It was so good to see the lake cleared. We lost 100 birds because of a bacteria that had developed in the lake. the poor things had to be put down, otherwise, everything was actually very good.
Is the water at the park recycled? 
Yes it is actually. We use the water from the lake to water the plants.

Thursday 13 May 2010

The animals need a home... and we need to provide it.

Have you looked around you? The animals seem to be dying. It’s true. All around us species are becoming extinct and endangered… and that is really sad. Fumes are destroying the air, people are cutting down forests…why? For us. That is very selfish. Because we want our world to be perfect, why do we have to destroy the ones of others? We need to think twice before doing. But one thing we don’t have to think twice before doing is saving the planet and its inhabitants.