Thursday 27 May 2010


We have all heard of poaching. It is a cruel, mean, unbelievable thing for humans to do. Yet we don't put a stop to it. Just imagine an innocent mother tiger looking for some food for her cubs. Before you know it, her skin is used for trading, rugs and more! No one wants this to happen do we? Snakes, crocodiles, reptiles are used to make bags, boots and clothes. Moose's heads are used for decoration. Animals insids are pulled out, they are stuffed with cotton, then placed in people's houses. Is this what we were put onto this earth for? When animals tresspass onto human property, they are shot dead. Yet people will tresspass all over their territory and still shoot them if they come too close. 

Hunters and poachers are a nuisance. Any animal lover would say that. They are taking away innocent lives, so they can make money! VERY unfair! Here's an example right infront of our eyes. Whaling. Do those beautiful creatures deserve this? I'm guessing not!

 I actually have a picture from the internet of a hunted tiger. It is disgusting and a bit too disturbing to put on here. So I didn't, but let me tell you, it looks gruesome, sad and makes you feel angry. 

Do we want animals like this... this baby tiger to be put on bags etc? NO! Obviously not.  What about this polar bear? NO, once again. So we have to put a stop to it. Even if it isn't happening in our country. This is OUR world. So we have to do this for the whole world. Not only our countries. We need to become active. Take away the in from inactive. That's what we have to do. 

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