Thursday 27 May 2010

An Interview with David Hope, Gardener of Queens Park Victoria

What is the best part of your job?
I don't know where to start! This job is not just a job, but a hobby too. I just love gardening!
How long have you been a gardener?
I've been a gardener for about 5 years and I'm loving it!
Are there any other gardeners?
There are 5 other gardeners and we all have shifts. It's really good!
Personal satisfaction level?
10 out of 10! I love this job! It's stress free, I'm not closed up in an office and I love what I'm doing! 
What are your thoughts on global warming?
I just hate it. It is something that we must try to stop for it's destroying our world. I just hate what's happening.
What did you do before you became a gardener... previous jobs?
Once I finished yr 12, I studied botany. my mum was the one who pushed me. I was an apprentice for some tie until they made me a private gardener. The job was okay, but I wanted to do something where people could appreciate my work. Next thin I know, I'm over here in Queens Park! 
How do you manage the garden?
There are 5 other gardeners who work here, so we all put in our own efforts. Almost everything is recycled hich is really good too. Managing the garden is easy, if you're up to it. I enjoy doing what I have to so it's easy!
What sustainable measures are adopted by the council for Queens Park. e.g. recycling?
The council play a big part in this park. We use water from the lake to water the plants and they make sure everything is working well.
Is Queens Park a healthy environment?
I would say this Park is. We recycle, and care for this habitat to animals and birds. 
Are the animals in a good and healthy state?
The animals re in a good state, and even though they are being fed bread, I don't see any problems. There was actually a problem when we had the drought, for a bacteria formed in the lake and gave the birds a disease that has to do with their nervous systems. We actually had to put a few down.
How do you look after the wildlife?
I've been in a few tussles with teenagers trying to feed the swans beer. Turtles have been stolen too. I try to make sure everything is safe and healthy and make sure the birds aren't being treated badly.
Are there volunteers and what can the do?
There are students who can come here and do a bit of gardening, which is really good.
How did you feel when the council cleared the lake?
It was so good to see the lake cleared. We lost 100 birds because of a bacteria that had developed in the lake. the poor things had to be put down, otherwise, everything was actually very good.
Is the water at the park recycled? 
Yes it is actually. We use the water from the lake to water the plants.

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