Thursday 27 May 2010

An Interview with Shannon in yr 8...

Shannon is in Fiontar and will tell us a bit about what she does and what she thinks of global warming.

What is the subject you are doing in Fiontar this term?
I'm doing Seeds to Saucepan, in Ms Persano's class.
What exactly is it about?
It's about eating organic and Australian grown foods. We learn about that mainly.
So, what have you been doing lately?
Well, today, we went to the Tiny Chef & made fruit platters. They had organic and non-organic fruits. We had to guess which was which by tasting them.
What do you think about global warming?
I think if we don't look after the earth, then it could become very bad for our children, grandchildren and so on. It is something we have to put a stop to.
What do you do to make the planet a better place...?
In my small part, I try to have shorter showers to save water, I use less paper and we don't water the garden alot.
Seems like you are eco-friendly! Well, thankyou for your time.

As you can see, Shannon cares for the environment like many other people. We've also learnt something about what another Fiontar class does! It was a great interview with Shannon.

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